Industries and specjalizations



Wide range of specialisations
is a guarantee of delivering
accurate translations

Strict industry terminology requires precise phrasing and the use of
appropriate vocabulary, as well as incorporating the right phrases in the right context.
We are able to guarantee all of this thanks to our experience and expertise in more
than a hundred specialisations, including very narrow areas of communication.




Business, trade:

management, trade, including: business correspondence, business offers, business information, reports, business plans



banking, finance, insurance, economy, including: balance sheets, interim reports, financial reports, accounting, audits, invoices, prospectuses, documents for FSA, loan applications


Marketing, advertising, public relations, HR:

advertising and marketing tools and materials, marketing strategies, copywriting, websites, advertising copies, translating promotional and training videos, marketing research


Administration, law and the European Union:

Polish and EU legal regulations, other legislation, legal agreements, notarised acts, powers of attorney, corporate charters, laws, contacts as well as resolutions, regulations, certificates, agreements, legal acts, tender documentation


IT and telecommunications:

Internet, website, computer science, electronics, including: documentation, technical specifications, software and documentation localization, user manuals, agreements, applications


Technology, mechanics, building, energy:

specifications, instruction manuals, engineering, DTR, projects, blueprints, catalogues, technical standards, schemes, patents, project documents, tender documentation, investment and technology documentation, legal acts, product and service catalogues, safety data sheets


Medicine and pharmacy:

scientific articles and publications, medical certificates, information on the course of illness and treatment results, pharmaceutical industry issues, research documentation, medicinal products characteristics, medical reports, leaflets, packaging, product catalogues, medical publications, legal acts



Chemistry, physics, biology:

biotechnology, food technology, cosmetology, chemical industry issues



animal husbandry, zoology, animal science, fishery, EU applications, funding


Science and education:

ecology and environmental issues, geography, mathematics, history, literature, linguistics, scientific work and articles, agreements, applications, training materials, books, publications, catalogues, albums, guidelines


Art and culture:

history of art, film, theatre, music, photography, cultural studies


Social sciences:

psychology, sociology, philosophy, ethics, politics


Transportation and motorisation:

logistics, shipping, aviation, including: technical and project documentation, instruction manuals, maintenance instructions, catalogues and advertising brochures, peer reviews, industry standards and patents


Tourism and recreation:

travel, sport, fitness, claims, security briefings, instruction manuals, commercial offers, correspondence




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